Fat Joe says 100 million Americans are in the red because of hospital bills … and he’s working with Congress to try and fix what he says is a greedy healthcare system.
The rapper joined us on “TMZ Live” Friday and told us why he’s advocating for big changes with the way hospitals and health insurance companies do business.

Fat Joe says most people who go to the hospital have no idea how much care is going to cost until after the fact … and he says the lack of transparency is putting way too many folks in debt.
Joey Crack’s been banging this drum for almost a year now … and this week he brought his message to Congress’ doorstep, hosting about 500 lawmakers and government officials at an event for Power to the Patients … a healthcare advocacy group.
Fat Joe says only 27 cents of every $1 Americans are charged at hospitals goes back to doctors, nurses, staff and the actual procedures and treatments … with the rest of the money lining the pockets of the hospitals and insurance companies.
He says folks who are already struggling to afford treatments are being told the prices are going up … but Fat Joe says that’s really just a move by hospitals and insurance companies to increase profits.

Fat Joe’s calling on Congress to change the system so people aren’t being unfairly charged with hidden costs and fees when they go to the hospital.
It’s certainly a noble cause … and Fat Joe tells us why it affects every corner of society, and why he’s the right guy to bring everyone together on this issue.