How to Choose The Best Kids Toys (That Won’t Clutter Your Home)

Home is where the heart is, and for many of us in the developed world it’s also where a ton of stuff is! Our home


6 Ways To Get Healthy Hair

I’ve been pregnant a time or six and had the wonderful thick hair that comes with it. Then comes the postpartum hair loss. For years


The Best Natural Beard Oil Options

While I’ve never grown a beard myself, plenty of men in my life have! Whether it’s your husband, dad, or brother, here are some great


Creamy Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes With Garlic

 Who knew cauliflower was such a versatile vegetable? When prepared the right way mashed cauliflower has a similar texture to regular mashed potatoes with a


How Grounding Sheets Can Transform Your Health

Now that EMFs and WiFi are everywhere, many of us are exploring the benefits of reconnecting to the earth’s healing frequencies. Although I try to


Healthy French Dressing Recipe | Wellness Mama

I had a friend in high school who loved French dressing on everything, including her pizza. I never understood why she loved it so much.


Bentonite Clay For Diarrhea (Does it Work?)

Bentonite clay has become a staple in our home from remineralizing toothpaste to armpit detoxes. I’ve even been known to rub it in my hair!


Healthy Cranberry Sauce Recipe

I’ve always thought homemade versions of classic recipes taste much better than store-bought versions. Cranberry sauce is a perfect example of this. Although I loved the


How to Make & Use Castor Oil Packs

I was first introduced to castor oil as my due date approached with my first child. Like any mom, I was eager to meet my


How To Do Earthing (Plus When Not To)

Earthing (also called grounding) can be a controversial topic. Many report improved well-being and fantastic health benefits, including better sleep and less pain. However, critics