Offending colonial sensibilities | Eurozine

The ongoing genocide in Gaza has galvanized a persistent, creative and disruptive global uprising for Palestine, including workers and activists shutting down arms factories and


Digital loneliness | Eurozine

In the June issue of Turkish literary journal Varlık – titled ‘Loneliness in the age of information’ – contributors attempt an accounting of what we’ve


Grand Paris eviction | Eurozine

One morning in April 2016, 27 private security agents arrived on the grounds of a rundown warehouse in Vitry-sur-Seine, a Parisian suburb, to evict the


Something happens, somewhere | Eurozine

A non-event, a continuity: growing rapeseed in Ukraine. For the most part, it’s an unsensational succession of seasonal repetitions: hybridized seeds are sown late summer


Exiled voices: identity & literature

Displacement is a bitter muse, but a very powerful one. The experience of exile has played a huge role for thousands of years in literary


The privilege of anxiety | Eurozine

Anna-Esther Younes is a Palestinian German scholar of race critical theories, psychoanalytic approaches, and de/post-/colonial theory. Her research on the ‘War on antisemitism’, race and


De l’universalisme dans de sombres temps

Le 20 mars 2024, le prix du livre de Leipzig 2024 pour la compréhension européenne a été décerné au philosophe Omri Boehm de la New School


‘Free Palestine’: The cry of Tunisia’s next hirak?

With a death toll long surpassing 30,000, the displacement of 1.4 million people, and a famine induced on a population already bearing the brunt of


Occupation changes life forever | Eurozine

Occupation is like a flood. The water doesn’t reach every house at the same time. First it covers the roads until it meets an obstacle


Let’s make cabbage great again!

As the European Parliamentary elections are nearing their end, so is this show’s season. But have no fear; we’ll be back in no time. In