The limits of normality | Eurozine

Disability is often imagined as physical, which takes away from their broad nature, as they can be mental, sensory, and intellectual as well. While some


Bleaching blue collars | Eurozine

‘One day a poster announcing the “preparatory course”, an accelerated training programme for university, appeared in a village in central Poland. The ad presented Pokusa


Alkemisterna från Ludwigshafen | Eurozine

Förhistorien – den samlande människan Först i mänsklighetens behovsordning kommer födan. Därefter kommer inte bara moralen utan också den högre gastronomins alla finesser. Ur ett


A small World War | Eurozine

By the end of September 2023, the ethnic cleansing of Armenians from Nagorno Karabakh had quickly faded from the attention of the world’s media. The


Women under the banner of friendship

The concept of friendship played an important role in the creation of a new world order amidst post-WWII reconstruction efforts. In countries such as Hungary,


Wars of de-civilization | Eurozine

On 7 October 2023 an Islamist organization committed a mass crime that it glorified as an act of resistance. The response was a scorched-earth campaign


The biology of gut feelings

Imagine you go to buy a new winter jacket. You’re on a budget and have already made a few decisions from an online search: the


It’s about time | Eurozine

Most European clocks are out of tune with natural time since the Second World War, when countries like Spain chose Central European Time (CET) to


Now you see me, now you don’t

Ferenc Laczó: You state in your new book Ukraine: The Forging of a Nation that the Ukrainian question, now and in the past, has repeatedly


A free captive | Eurozine

I. When I visited China in the mid 2010s, it was as if I had found myself back in Czechoslovakia during the period of normalization.