The ways we love | Eurozine

[ad_1] Despite the unknown origins of Valentine’s Day celebrations, historical tradition looks nothing like today’s commodity extravaganza, and we can


‘Eurowhiteness’ | Eurozine

[ad_1] Green European Journal: In your book Eurowhiteness, you discuss Europe’s civilizational turn. What do you mean by that? When


The limits of normality | Eurozine

[ad_1] Disability is often imagined as physical, which takes away from their broad nature, as they can be mental, sensory,


Bleaching blue collars | Eurozine

[ad_1] ‘One day a poster announcing the “preparatory course”, an accelerated training programme for university, appeared in a village in


Alkemisterna från Ludwigshafen | Eurozine

[ad_1] Förhistorien – den samlande människan Först i mänsklighetens behovsordning kommer födan. Därefter kommer inte bara moralen utan också den


A small World War | Eurozine

[ad_1] By the end of September 2023, the ethnic cleansing of Armenians from Nagorno Karabakh had quickly faded from the


Women under the banner of friendship

[ad_1] The concept of friendship played an important role in the creation of a new world order amidst post-WWII reconstruction


Wars of de-civilization | Eurozine

[ad_1] On 7 October 2023 an Islamist organization committed a mass crime that it glorified as an act of resistance.


The biology of gut feelings

[ad_1] Imagine you go to buy a new winter jacket. You’re on a budget and have already made a few


It’s about time | Eurozine

[ad_1] Most European clocks are out of tune with natural time since the Second World War, when countries like Spain